Your OSHA 2024-2025 Executive Council:

Dr. Kathy Wheat


Kristel Evans


Leslie Baldwin


Elizabeth McGaha


Dr. Ramesh Kaipa

1st Vice President

Christy Hedges

2nd Vice President

Mary Aboud

Councilor-at-Large, 2023-2024

Mandie Harris

Councilor-at-Large, 2024-2025



OSHA Committee Vice Presidents:

Learn more about OSHA Committees   

  • Advocacy:  Mona Ryan
  • Audiology Issues: Brandon Vincent
  • Budget & Finance:  Kerry Moore
  • Bylaws:  Tara Stephens
  • Conferences:  Ramesh Kaipa
  • Continuing Education:  Jenny York
  • Culture & Inclusion: Lidiette Hamilton
  • Higher Education:  Ramesh Kaipa
  • Honors:  Sarah Baker
  • Medical Issues:  Kelli Marshall*
  • Membership:  Hope Plum
  • Nominations & Elections: Kristel Evans, Amy Thomas (2024-2025) and Sarah Launchbaugh (2023-2024)
  • Private Practice Issues:  Emily Hathaway
  • Public Relations and Marketing:  VACANT
  • Services in the Schools:  Gyla Davis
  • Speech Pathology Issues:  Karen Copeland
  • Standards & Ethics:  VACANT
  • ASHA StAMP (State Advocate for Medicare Policy) Representative:  Teresa Bierig
  • ASHA Council of Ambassadors Representative:  Teresa Bierig
  • Student Liaisons:  Student representatives from each school NSSLHA program

*As the VP of Medical Issues, Kelli Marshall also serves as the ASHA StAR (State Advocate for Reimbursement) Representative 

OSHA Governance

The Oklahoma Speech-Language-Hearing Association is governed by an elected Executive Council. The actions of the Executive Council are reported at least annually to the Association Membership. Our association doesn't operate without great leaders who volunteer their time and energy. Get involved!